L working pile one of the piles forming the foundation of a structure. For the field analysis methods, a new procedure to improve the agreement between the pile lengths estimated in the design and finalized in the field is presented. The applied load is measured with a load cell placed between the hydraulic jack and the pile or by a pressure gauge installed between the pump and the jack. The static pile load test on a single pile involve uplift force, axial compression and lateral tests when applied either horizontally or perpendicular to the pile axially. Axial load test procedures for pile foundations pdh. After a pre 5% qmax to control and adjust loading and measurement equipment, the pile will be unloaded to a small residual load. Tensile or tension load testing astm d 3689 90 standard test method for individual piles under static axial tensile loads. Details of procedure to record pile driving, including example recording sheet. The maximum test load or test pressure expressed as a reading on the gauge in use shall be displayed and all operators shall be made aware of this limit. Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations, part 4. The test load data were collected and converted into graphical forms.
I test pile any pile to which a test loading is, or is to be, applied. Pile load test is the most reliable method of estimating the load carrying capacity of a pile, but it is rather expensive. This kind of test is the astm standard procedure and the most common test, especially in large projects. Initial tests the safe load on a single pile shall be the least of the following. Standard test methods for deep foundations under lateral load1. Pile load test hpcl, visakh toyo engineering india ltd. Measure these distances between the test pile face and the nearest face of the cribbing supports. This test procedure shall be considered to meet the minimum requirements for load testing. A greater spacing between the cribbing supports and test pile or reference system may. Design and construction of driven pile foundations lessons learned on the central arterytunnel project chapter 4. Dynamic and static pile load test data this chapter presents the methodology and results of dynamic and static pile load test data for the selected contracts. Pile load tests including quickload test method, conventional. Implementation of aashto lrfd bridge design specification for. In order to promote public education and public safety, equal justice for all, a better informed citizenry, the rule of law, world trade and world peace, this legal document is hereby made available on a noncommercial basis, as it is the right of all humans to know and speak the laws that govern them.
The maximum test load to be applied must be agreed in advance so that the test pile, pile cap if required and the load testing equipment reaction pileskentledge hydraulic ram and pumpbidirectional load cellrapid or dynamic test energy can all be designed or chosen so as to apply the maximum test load safely. Jay patel120280106037 naman kantesaria120280106039 udit patel1202801060 applied mechanics departement 2. Load test on piles methods of pile load test the constructor. In large projects, it is a standard practice to conduct pile load tests either in the design phase or during construction. This chapter presents the methodology and results of dynamic and static pile load test data for the selected contracts. Pdi, is the largest manufacturer of industrystandard, high quality deep foundation testing solutions, worldwide. Initial test on piles are to be carried out at one or more locations depending on the number of piles required. In the static load test, the test load will be applied by hydraulic jacking against kent ledge concrete blocks with the load being measured by calibrated and certified pressure gauges on the selected pile. The load on the jack shall be the same on both the piles. Lateral load testing astm d 3966 90 standard test method for piles under lateral loads. During the load test, records including plots of load vs. This test gives us the value of ultimate load value safe load value settlement under different values. Chapter 8 static pile load testing and pile dynamic analysis pile.
Standard test methods for deep foundations under lateral. The piles should be loaded to at least two times the design load, and preferably to failure. Test piles piles manufactured and driven prior to the manufacture of other piles to enable the pile lengths to be confirmed or altered as necessary. The jack should be placed horizontally, between two piles. The pile failure load can be defined as the load limit be yond which a small increase in the load corresponds to a large increase in the tip settlement. It is the most basic method of pile load test and is treated as the critical point of pile performance. General the compression test using either the reaction frame or kentledge system is undertaken on a test pile concurrent with the construction of the main piling works or for a preliminary pile outside the site. Bidirectional testing will generally not test the structural suitability of a pile to support a load as typically placed at the pile top.
The test procedure will follow international standards a co part 1. It cannot be directly measured from a pile load test. Dynamic load tester deep foundation analysis systems. Federation of piling specialists handbook on pile load testing. J ultimate bearing capacity the load at which the resistance of the soil becomes fully mobilised.
Pile load test the procedure for the pile load test shall be as follows. Because it is based on capwap logic, it is a step beyond capacity determined by the case method. Pdf comparison of static and dynamic load test of pile. When the bucket returns to the surface, it is aligned back with the reference north, and a final reading taken. High strain dynamic testing pda astm d4945 00 standard test method for high strain dynamic testing of piles. Join our host bob as he learns how terracon has developed a better way to conduct pile load tests on solar panel foundations. The test pile is loaded using a calibrated hydraulic jack that applies the test load to the pile by pushing against a. The testing of pile will be carried out according to the lndian standard is. Implementation of aashto lrfd bridge design specification. The test plates shall span across and between any unbraced. Static pile load testing deep foundation structural.
Legally binding document step out from the old to the newjawaharlal nehru invent a new india using knowledge. Abstract piles are designed to transfer the load of superstructure to the deeper harder soil strata crossing the. Static pile load testing is one of the most common methods for testing the actual insitu capacity of a pile. In general two types of pile load tests are conducted. Analysis of the pile load test program at the lock and. Pull out cohesion this test uses only undrained strength for the frictional behavior between the pile and the soil. The test for static load slt contains the direct calculation of pile head displacement with regards to a concretely functional test load. Were the only company that offers the combination of portable. Characteristic pile resistance from profiles of ground test results part 2.
The significance of a properlyconducted load test is that it furnishes the actual soil resistance at the site upon which design can be based reliably. Fullscale static loading is a widely accepted test for assessment of pile load bearing capacity and pile loadmovement relationship. Verification of pile load capacity using static pile load test. A bidirectional load test applies the test load within the pile, resulting in internal pile stresses and pile displacements that differ from those developed during a load test applied at the pile top. Capwap analysis is made on the pda data after the test is complete. Loading test procedure given in the general specification should be followed. Dynamic load test or pda test has become a common pile test procedure for evaluating pile capacity and pile integrity for the driven and castinsitu pile. Special testing procedures necessary to achieve the desired results 5. Established in 1972, pdi continues to innovate, develop, manufacture and supply stateoftheart qaqc testing and monitoring products and. Like the dynamic load test, a static load test can be done to evaluate the bearing capacity of the pile.
Objective this test is used to determine the load carrying capacity of a pile. Axial load test procedures for pile foundations pdh courses. Pile compression load test by kentledge system or reaction frame system i. Since the cohesive strength is not a function of the lateral stress, it is numerically a more stable test and easier to compare with hand calculations. The test pile is loaded by utilizing a hydraulic jack that is placed on the center of the test pile. The test plate shall have side dimensions not more than, and not less than one half of, the diameter or side dimension of the test piles. Typical test duration is in the order of 10 to 15 minutes. Quick maintained load test qml in this procedure, 15% of the design load is added at a time and held for 5minutes. In general, the methods for predicting capacities based on dynamic measurements taken at beginning of restrike predicted static load test. Standard test methods for deep foundations under static axial. The maximum load is equal to 3 times the design load. The load will be applied in increments of 20% of the estimated safe load and at the cut off level. Established in 1972, pdi continues to innovate, develop, manufacture and supply stateoftheart qaqc testing and monitoring products and software for the deep foundations industry. Standard test methods for deep foundations under static.
In initial test, the test load 52 times the working load in work test load is 32 times the design load. The pile head and pile cap connection shall be modified and be designed to transmit the maximum pile loads in both tension and compression. Sep 03, 2017 transmission line axial uplift load test on foundation. Planning of pile load test setup should starts from the design office. The static load test involves the direct measurement of pile head displacement in the response to a physically applied test load. It is not intended to preclude local building codes, which may require the use of other testing methods as described in the astm specifications. Static load tests measure the response of a pile under an applied. The test results may not represent the longterm performance of a deep foundation. Pile load test procedures can change slightly from region to region. Pile load test free download as powerpoint presentation. Hoy, texas highway department this paper covers the general principles of pile load testing, including objectives of pile testing, importance of planning, various types and methods. In accordance with the relevant provision of the indian standard ls. The thermal integrity profiling method procedures are governed by astm. Load application the load is applied in the pile in the following sequence.
For larger load test exceeding 3000 tonnes, the project team can consider using steel plates, tension piles or ground anchors as the reaction load or adopting other alternative method of testing like bidirectional load test. Three types of loading procedures for a static load test are. To determine load distribution in the pilesoil system. The initial test is performed before the start of construction to assess the design adequacy. The load test program consisted of twentyeight axial load tests which were performed to determine the effects of different loading procedures and pile batter on the. These tests will confirm design assumptions or provide information to allow those assumptions and the pile design to be modified. Pdf verification of pile load capacity using static pile load test. Astm d8169 d8169m 18 standard test methods for deep. Static load testing is the most widely accepted authoritative method. A reaction beam is installed on top of the reaction piles. With no user interaction, icap extracts the soil behavior from dynamic measurements, computes capacity at the time of test, and produces a simulated static load test graph in real time.
Static load tests were applied only to a small sample of piles on any project due to. The reaction to be made available for the test shall be at least 25% greater than the maximum jacking force required. The test program involves the direct measurement of pile head displacement in response to a physically applied load. The static loading force will then held constant over a fixed time the maximum load will be removed by means of 5. Load settlement curve for sample of pile load tests.
Therefore, the following test procedure is based on the quick load test method for individual piles. Load tests are performed onsite on test piles to verify the design capacity of the piles. The advantages of static load tests and accounting for setup are demonstrated. The test pile, installation equipment and installation procedure should be identical to that intended to be used for production piles to the extent practical. All pile load test results were analyzed using the six different interpretation methods mentioned above 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 load, q ton settlement, s mm pile no. Success of pile load tests done on single piles could be explained using pressure bulbs. A pile load test consists of applying increments of static load to a. Design of pile foundation using pile load test eurocode 7. K working load the load which the pile is designed to carry. Effects of soil conditions on test results, and the need for any.
Each load increment is remained for a certain time period, or unless the rate of pile movement is under a nominated value. The chosen test load is generally used in a series of increments in line with the exact code, or with a preestablished load testing specification for a project. The test load shall not be less than 2 times the design anchorage resistance of the pile. Pile load tests including quickload test method, conventional methods, and interpretations frank m. Spec4 0erev 00 page 6 of 11 6 ii the loading on the pile top equals twice the rated capacity or as specified in the case of a separate test pile and 1. It should not be less than 4 times the diameter of test pile for straight pile and not less than 2 times the diameter of the bell for belled pile. Transmission line axial uplift load test on foundation.
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